3D Cone Beam CTImprove diagnosis and planning for better results. CBCT is extensively utilised for implants, endodontics, orthodontics,surgical and restorative treatments.
Combine data from digital impressions and facial scanners to deliver a virtual 3d patient. from £500 per month
including VAT, installation, testing and training. If you refer 3 patients out for a CBCT scan a month then it make sense to have your ownand all our CBCT scanners also deliver HD panoramic images and extra oral bitewings.
Intraoral impression scanners
It makes plain sense to enter the world of intraoral scanning – digital impressions are more convenient for your team to capture and more comfortable for your patients. Improve accuracy, reduce remakes and offer more treatments in house.
from £300 per month
including VAT, laptop, installation and training. You probably spend more on impression material, trays, pouring stone models and shipping each month.
Impressions scanners are faster, more accurate and the scans can be immediately used in multiple digital workflows. |
Same day restorationsEnter the world of computer-aided design and manufacturing to elevate the level of your treatments and improve your practice.
Intraoral scanning, flexible designing, chairside milling and 3D printing. We offer all the products for a complete CAD/CAM dentistry workflow. from £625 per month
including VAT, impression scanner with laptop, design software and chairside mill. Just 8 crowns a month would provide a return on investment and deliver all of the benefits of chairside restorations to your patients and practice.
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